Thursday 10 November 2016

Problem Solving Techniques and Basic Needs of Education

Problem Solving Techniques and Tactics

Solving a Problem? It is a problem for youth.

Consider below the main steps to resolve any problem in your life!

There are basic four steps in problem solving:

1. Defining the issue.

2. Making alternatives.

3. Evaluating plus selecting alternative options.
4. Implementing them as solutions and proper result.

Basic Four Needs of Education:
Physiological Necessities: Are the children sleepy, or have hunger for food? Have they been sitting quit long and want to move around? Is the any room too warm, or room for cold? Are they able to go to the washroom when they want? Are they sick with a cold or have asthma problem?

Safety Necessities and Needs: Do the children feel satisfactory and safe in room of yours? Are they afraid of other children and they worried about criticism? Is their house life safe and sound? Is the neighborhood provides a well environment to the child?

Love Needs: Do the children show caring attitude toward everyone? Do they get enough one O one attention from your good self? Especially, those children who might not get good attention at house? Do you carry out Social-building acts? Do the children get enough time to be meeting socially with each other?

Self-Honor Needs: Are the children academically successful or struggling for this? Is the work too easy or too hard? Do they have feelings of competence and confidence in capabilities of theirs? Do some children see themselves as bad?

Mentoring young children is very hard task, as we have to make sure the mentioned basic necessities are met for children & for ourselves, while also making them with the help of academics.  

In some schools this is big task and enough strict job than others and we need social encouraging systems plus school based programs to coordinate. But in any class, you can help in meeting some of these critical needs throughout the day by knowing all about them.

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