Thursday 2 May 2019


The content is considered as a King in the world of digital media marketing. Sometimes, digital marketers fail to generate leads through the content and SEO. Some important reasons of failure in leads generation are mentioned below.

Lead Generation

1. Your content is not solving a particular problem
First of all, it is important to clarify that the main aim of content marketing is to educate people about the offered service or product before they purchase it.
Successful marketers always create valuable content for their audience that helps them to solve any particular problem.
If your content doesn't solve any problem for the audience, your content, without any doubt, has not any value and it can't get good ranking in Search Engine Result Page (SERP).
Problem solving content creation is very essential to generate organic leads. In simple words, in lead generation techniques, creation of valuable and problem solving content is most important.
More that, lengthy content is better than short content to achieve leads generation success. Content should be simple, because difficult words create problems for readers and they ignore it.

2. You don't audit your website

Audit is very important to evaluate your current standing regarding Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Without keeping eye on audit of your website and SEO strategies, generating required leads for your business is not easy. An audit identifies the faults and deficiencies in SEO strategy well. It is very good and important lead generation technique for you.
Do a close audit of your website.  Are all the pages of your website optimized well and have SEO meta titles? Are all web pages have specific keywords and sub-keywords?
If you don't give time to audit your website and its content, it leads to lack in lead generation.
 Here are some SEO audit tools you should use to audit your website:
  • SEOptimer
  • SEOmeter
3. Your website is not Mobile-Friendly
Mobile friendly website is very important to achieve success in Google and other search engine ranking. Nowadays, more than 60 percent web traffic comes from mobile devices. 

Online Traffic Sources

If your website is not Mobile-Friendly (that uses responsive technology), generating organic leads and winning good ranking on Search Engine Result Page (SERP) is not easy.
To check your website's mobile-friendly status, a better tool named Google Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool is suggested.

4. You don't use Long-Tail Keywords

It takes about six months to one year for businesses to get result of SEO techniques and efforts on Search Engine Result Page. Search engines including Google; prioritize the websites have been around for some time. This time may be vary according to the SEO techniques, niche and tag you use on your website.
If you are eager to get results fast and earlier, you should use Long-Tail Keywords in place of Short-Tail Keywords. Long-Tail Keywords are low competitive and lead to get more traffic and good search engine ranking. Thus, generating organic lead become easy.

5. You don't use rich media formats for distribution of your content

In blogs and websites, with textual content, using supplementary,  rich and other eye catching media formats is very fatal and crucial to attract audience. This strategy and technique increases leads generation and boosts traffic to your website or content. The use of rich media is used in lengthy content more. This process also called "Atomizing". Google gives priority to the content that includes rich media.
Some examples of rich media are mentioned below:
  •      Info-graphics
  •      Video
  •      Podcasts

6. You ignore the world of Social Media

The effect of Social Media is very important in your content's lead generation and Google ranking success. Google, including other search engines, takes social media in account during ranking websites. The use of Social Media increases your business's  social awareness and following well that leads to generating leads. Neglecting Social Media means neglecting your website's Search Engine Result Page (SERP) ranking and leads generation success. Don't neglect social media if you want search engine ranking and leads generation success fast.

7. You do not update your top content regularly

Update the content and include new alluring information, it can lead to boost search engine ranking fast.
According to a periodical "Search Engine Journal" updating the valuable and top pieces of your content increases traffic about 15-30 percent that is a better way to achieve success in organic lead generation. Web visitors always give priority to new and updated piece of content on the web. Updated pieces of content can generate leads and rank high well in the search engines like Google. The act of Ignoring  content updating can cause a loss as failure in Search Engine Result Page (SERP) ranking and lead generation.

8. You ignore Call to Action (CTA)

An important reason of failure in Lead Generation is ignoring and not including Call to Action (CTA). You can't generate and increase leads if you don't ask for them.
It is a reality that more people don't want to buy something you offer, though some of them may be interesting in giving their contact details after reading some valuable content on your website.  
More leads can come from blogs. You can ask the audience to provide their email address in exchange of blog updates, this idea can generate more leads for you. With the passage of some time you can win buyers from your subscribers well.

9. Email Marketing

Emailing is very fatal component of any marketing campaign. It is very effective channel to increase leads for your business. You can find people who might not looking for you at all. It is important channel not only for generating leads but also for increasing sales.

10. Your Content is neither Unique nor Niche Based

If your website or blog have common information and content for the web audience, there are least chances to generate leads and get required search engine ranking. First of all, it is important to clarify that people want unique and niche based content that can be helpful for them in a specific field of life. This unique type of content is based on specific niche and can be found on search engines easily.
For example, if you want to write a blog about shoe designs, you should focus on specific niche of shoe types, shoes for men; women; children; boys; or girls. If you focus on only shoes designs instead of a niche based shoes designs (like women shoes), audience may feel difficulty to approach your blog because there are several posts about shoes designs on search engines. The act of creating unique and niche based content not only increases leads for you but also proves beneficial for your website ranking on Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

9. You ignore Influencer Marketing

Lead generation is not a easy task. If you don't market your product well, you can't get results. If you want to attract the massive audience of other successful brands or marketers, you have to use influencer marketing techniques. Thus you can increase your leads in a right way. Without influencer marketing, lead generation success is not easy.
You can search for an influencer marketing; having posts like your posts in the same niche market. It is difficult to find suitable and similar influencer, choose it wisely. Share the influencer's posts, this can lead to win leads including more traffic to your web-page.
Guest Blogging is also a good technique to increase your leads. Thus, you can get more back-links that may lead to boost your leads generation.

10. You don't offer free product trial

If you want to break-down hurdles in lead generation and sales; offer free trials of your certain product or service to your audience, this idea and tactic is very fatal and important to generate leads fast for your business.
You can ask people to provide their contact information prior to providing them free product trial service. It can increase your leads generation very fast in a professional way.
People who avail the service of your free trial, use your product and enjoy its limited service. When they realize it as a good product or service, they can be your potential customer in near future. Thus you can generate leads and increase sales very well.

11. Your content is boring

If your content is boring and unexciting, then you can't attract more audience to your website or blog and as a result you may not increase your leads well. It is necessary to  keep content exciting and alluring for audience so that visitors may come to your site, read posts and get what they want.

12. Your writing style is difficult and Unclear

If your writing style is difficult, audience will not spend any time on your site, as a result you have very little change to boost your leads through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Keep your writing style simple audience-friendly and clear so that visitors come and read your content. The tactic of using simple wording and clear writing style can increase your leads generation for your business very well.

Lead Generation Techniques


I hope, I have conveyed the top reasons of failure in lead generation well in above article.
Here I, to summarize, mention some important key points and suggestions concerning increase in Organic leads generation:
  • Build problem solving content, Audit and optimize your website well, Make a Mobile-Friendly Website,
  • Use Long-Tail Keywords to rank high fast on search engines.
  • Use Rich Media formats in lengthy content. Podcasts, Videos, Info-graphics are example of rich media  formats. Use Unique and Niche based content for your audience to attract them.
  • Don't ignore Social Media and don't forget to update your top level content regularly.
  • Include Call to Action (CTA) and Ads in your website to increase lead generation and sales.
  • Use Email Marketing and techniques of influencer marketing involving Guest posting. Offer a free trial of your product or service. Keep your language and writing style simple and clear. Include alluring content in your blog or website to attract visitors to increase leads fast.

If you apply above mentioned skills in the right way, you can significantly boost and increase your lead generation well including good response in Search Engine Result Page ranking. It means, you can get success in achieving the required results and goals in a professional way.